Maxima Nsimenta, Livara’s founder and CEO was recently featured in Uganda’s The Observer newspaper.
Find out more about the person of Nsimenta, the brain behind Livara. Also included is a brief about why Livara came to be.
Below is the link to the feature story on The Observer page:
hello Maxima, am immy. i must say. i was really touched but most of all inspired by the article/story wrote about you/Livara in the observer. personally, i recently finished campus to graduate next year, 2016 with Bachelor’s in Business Admin. Am working as an Office Admin/Projects Adim. My oay cheque is USD 25.0. But interest is to be an enterprenuer, with my small income i wanted to divert my savings into agric, but problem is land… any advise?
Hello Immy.
I’m glad you’re thinking about investing in agriculture. It is the backbone of our economy and you can’t go wrong in that field. If you have a small piece of land ay=t your home, you could as well start practicing from it. You need to learn how to grow the crops you wanna focus on in the future. Also, if you don’t have that much land then you coud get sacks, half fill them with soil and use them as your practice place.
As for buying the larger plot of land, start saving as soon as yesterday. You don’t need land in the city center. You have to focus on land outside the city because you can get a bigger chunk at a smaller rate. In addition to that, start land shopping to find that plot you so desire. That way, you have something real to save for and fight for.
Please get in touch with me on 0779114334 for more communication if you so desire.