
December 22, 2022

Program Coordinator

In order to develop her supply chain, Livara (through her mother company Nyowe Ventures) has obtained a gender-based grant to digitize shea farmers, carryout financial literacy and skills development to 100,000 shea farmers. This also adds value to our core principles which include impacting the communities in which we operate. We are therefore looking for an exceptional Program Coordinator who will successfully lead us through this project.
December 14, 2022

Can you Easily Tell Your Hair Type?

The uniqueness and beauty of who we individually are is clearly seen in our features, our skin, our shapes and most prominently in our hair. For many people their hair is their pride and joy. One of the keys to having healthy, strong and long hair is not only the product that you use but first and foremost in knowing your hair type. Knowing your hair type will then guide you on how to properly take care of it. They are overall 4 categories of hair type descriptors and a total of 12 hair types. How well do you know your hair type?
December 14, 2022

How To Identify and Treat Heat Damaged Hair

Many an African person, especially woman, has been conditioned into believing that the best way to manage their hair involves application of heat at some point. The untold story is that this almost always leads to heat damaged hair. If your hairstyling tool of choice involves heat, be it your curling iron, your hot comb, or your hair dryer; you must be familiar with heat damage.
December 14, 2022

How to Take Care of Your Wig

The wig wearing community has steadily become popular and in 2022, 1 in 3 modern women owns at least one wig so it has become extremely imperative to know how to take care of your wig(s). Whether natural or synthetic, wigs are a form of creative expression and they come in different colours, shapes, textures, and designs. This article goes into depth guiding you on how to take care of your wig - synthetic or natural.
December 14, 2022

5 Skin Care Mistakes You Are Making

The Ideal Skin is one that has the tiniest pores, an even tone, good complexion and an even texture. Ideally, it is one that has a smooth glassy look. Such skin is not difficult to achieve, however there are several challenges to overcome. That is why we are going to bring to your attention 5 skin care mistakes you are making that are keeping you from achieving the ideal skin.
December 13, 2022

A Short Tutorial on How to Lay Your Edges.

After you hair has been styled and you're looking way more awesome than you did before, the cherry on the cake would then be for you to make sure that your overall hairstyle is crisp and refined. There's no better way to pull that off than to lay your edges! That is why we bring you this short tutorial on how to lay your edges.
November 14, 2022

Dry Skin: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Dry skin has quickly become more common than it was decades before. Several people are reporting cases of dry, flaky and scaly skin. Dry skin happens […]
November 11, 2022

Ideal Shopping List for Someone Starting their Natural Hair Journey

😊Are you starting your natural hair journey❓. This is what your shopping list would look like🛒🛍️. 
October 31, 2022

10 Factors that Affect Skin Aging

The skin is the biggest organ of our bodies and stretches right from the tip of our heads to the sole of our feet. And because of its size, it's usually the most revealing aspect of our health - both internal and external. When your body is happy, your skin shines and smiles; when your body is unhappy and unhealthy, your skin will undeniably show that off as well. There are several things that contribute towards the health of your skin however, this article is dedicated to just the major 10 factors that affect skin aging and most of which are within your control.
My Livara


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