Hair Care

April 4, 2023

How To Fix Stunted 4c Hair Growth

This struggle is very real for many naturals, and can be very frustrating too. If you're tired of this cycle and you're looking for answers, read on to find out how best you can fix your stunted 4c hair growth.
March 31, 2023

Simple Guidelines For Taking Care Of Your Child’s Hair

We're here with some simple guidelines for taking care of your child's hair. Enjoy hair days with your little one without any tears.
February 21, 2023

How to Take Care of Your Natural Hair in the Cold

Taking care of your natural hair in cold weather may not be as simple a task. If you don't know how to take care of your natural hair, you may end up with uncomfortable and frizzy hair. In this blog post, we will discuss some ways in which you can keep your hair healthy and hydrated even when the weather seems unfavourable.
March 18, 2021

Baby Hair Growth: Facts and 6 Hacks for Hair Growth In Babies

The hair growth journey for babies is different. Here are a few hacks to get your baby’s hair growing a little faster or better, generally a few hacks to speed hair growth in infants. Remember, you want to ensure that your baby enjoys his/her hair moments and they do not associate those moments with pain - especially for the little girls for whom you’d like to keep their hair longer.
October 24, 2018

Why Livara’s Tsavorite Product Line with Guava Leaf Extracts is Great for Hair Growth

For many centuries, we have enjoyed eating the tasty tropical guava fruit. Scientifically classified as Psidium Guajava, the guava fruit is found on the guava tree […]
May 29, 2017

Seven Foods That Are Believed to Make Hair Grow Faster

Whether it’s out of desperation to reset a cut gone bad or just the desire to try out a new look, you’ve probably been compelled to […]
April 27, 2017

Tips to Help You Easily Transition to Natural Hair

First of all we welcome you on this fun and awesome hair journey and we are glad you are making the healthier choice for your hair. […]
My Livara


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